I will not kill myself, but I will kill you off.
You who have paraded as a friend, you who have taken from all my resources so freely, you who have maintained the farce and the facade of camaraderie, you who have made me feel like a smaller, less worthy version of my self, you who have usurped spaces in my mind that would have done better occupied by almost anything else, you who have not considered how transparent your fickleness can become to the keen eye, you who have not made up your mind about anything that matters to me, you who have decided that you are right when it comes to us, you are toxic and dispensable.
You are as insignificant as you are persistent. For now. Your existence reduces each time I undo one more knot in the thread of our association. Your importance lessens every time you select the environment of the least important elements around me. Your friendship to me diminishes the minute you choose a friendship that is suffering for me and convenient to you.
You are not one person. You are not one name. You are everyone here. You are constant till I strip you off of your agency. Until then,
you are 'friend'.